کلیپ مکالمات موضوعی (ورزش و تمرین) Sport & Exercising 5-2 My tennis club membership


Sport & Exercising

5-2 My tennis club membership


A: We'll make some sacrifices around here. My tennis club membership is up this month. I'm not renewing.

B: Should you be playing tennis after your back surgery?

A: Probably not.

B: Well, in that spirit, as soon as I start chemo, I will be giving up shampoo.

ترجمه عبارات مکالمه:

  • tennis club membership
  • عضویت توی باشگاه تنیس
  • I'm not renewing
  • نمیخوام تمدید کنم

نکته: برای بیان به هیچ وجه از عبارتهای زیر استفاده می شود.

  1. absolutely not
  2. no way
  3. not at all
  4. not by a long shot
  5. by no means









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